Monday 19 September 2016

19) The Death of Trust.

In that split second between leaping and falling, I feel such a range of emotions, that I feel confused by what is happening. I leap out into this expanse again, knowing there is water beneath me, but possibly a horrible fate decided by twisted metal and spikes. I can hear the catcalls above, waiting for me venomously.
That moment of elation, when I lift up, filled with hope that I should grab a hold of something solid, and reach safety. The feeling doesn't last, as I become awash with dread, that I have entirely missed my desire, and gained no purchase. I can feel an instant explosion of Adrenalin course through my body, and then that sinking inside becomes real as I notice the imperceptible sense of descent, perhaps into permanent oblivion.

Before I have time to think, I see the face in the shadows, and though it is too dark to see properly, I know instinctively who it is. He reaches down quickly, grabs at my hand around my wrist.

I know who he is, the man who welcomed me into his home, and then abandoned me at my weakest point.

His grip is firm, certain, likely beyond anything I could currently muster. My arm wrenches in its socket, as the entire weight of my body tugs at it, gravity imploring to let go. The man peers out into the dim lights, and I see his broken smile. He looks at me just as much a predator as any I have seen. I see his mind is broken, half sane, half animal. Soon, he will be like those poor beasts that chased me. I guess this is their fate, and perhaps that of all of us, to become wasted and decayed, in body and mind.

He hoists me up like a large piece of meat, and for a moment allows me to dangle there, hanging as an ornament. His eyes catch the light and sparkle, glistening as if enjoying the morsel before the meal.

I can feel my body trembling, but before I can open to mouth to protest, or consider a plan of action, the man swings me around, into the darkness behind him. I crash to the floor, feeling the cold, dusty concrete of the tunnel we are in. The door that hid this place is long gone, crashed down no doubt to the bottom of the hall, submerged forever in a pit of water to rust. I feel around, trying to regain my bearings, but all I can see is his shape in the shadows.

Again I feel that dreaded sinking feeling, as instead of talking to me, he mumbles something, but his sentence trails off into a growl, nonsensical. I cannot understand what might have tipped him from sane to insane, maybe my presence, the sight of someone normal might have knocked his consciousness, so that he feels closer to animal than human.

Any moment, and he will leap at me. Leap: an idea, as he wavers in the darkness, stood on the edge. With all my might I force myself to stand quickly, leaping forward at him. I feel my hands crumple into his body, the strange cry he gives out in surprise as I push as hard as my weary muscles will allow. Not too far, I drop to the ground as I push, and feel elation again as I see his form drop backwards, arms swinging out as he loses control, of himself and his balance. He swings away, backwards down into the water. I hear nothing, see nothing. All I know is I have no time, I pick myself up and turn to move away, down into the darkness.

I feel my way along the tunnel, smooth dusty walls. The place is dry and quiet, like some kind of stone temple. At last I feel my way to the end, ignoring the terrible thought that it might lead nowhere, but I knew instinctively that if the man came this way there must have been a reason. I feel around, and there is a door, closed, solid, likely metal. If it is barred, then once again I am stuck.
I feel around, find a handle, success. It is round, smooth still, and cold to touch. I can tell a key must be used to lock it centrally, praying to dead gods with all my might, I turn it. Success!

I turn the handle, and open it. There are more stairs, grey concrete ones, this time all intact. Leading up, and down, but the ones down are also submerged in water. There are lights on the wall, oblong, dirty and dim, but enough to see where it might head. I cannot help but wonder where this power source comes from.

Enough dawdling, I must progress. I move quickly up the stairs, feeling my legs ache, lack of food still, and weary from all the stress. I climb for what seems ages, all of it the same. dull grey.

I am at the top, and another door. this one red, looks the same as the other one, smooth and solid metal. I cannot imagine what I might find when I open it, but still I tense, praying again that it might be unlocked. I turn the handle, and it refuses to move. It is locked!

I struggle against it, almost in panic. I punch the door, kick it, slam it with the back of my hand for all the good it will do. As I hit it hard once again, I hear voices beyond. Small muttering here and there, silent whispers. I can hear someone say the creatures have found their way in, but others disagree.

'Help!' I shout, even if they are savages wanting to make a meal of me, I have no other way. the voices raise up again, they sound as panicked now as I am.

'Help me, please just open the door.' I plead again.

'Who is this?' A voice asks, then silence.

I feel stupid, but I don't even know my name. 'I can't remember my name, I came from this vault and have no memory.

'Open the door.' A voice calls harshly. I can hear others disagree.

'Are you alone?' Another voice asks, sounds like a woman.

'Yes, I escaped those things in the tunnel, got trapped in here. Please, if you don't open up now I will be stuck down here. I can't go back.' I cry. I must sound truly desperate, because that is how I feel.

Silence and nothing now, as if they have abandoned me. I drop my head to my chest, crestfallen and lost.

I feel ready to give up, but as I am about to slump over and lay on the floor, I hear a key, metallic, it cannot be, but it is and they turn it, turn the handle and push open the door. Light from outside floods in, and fresh air. It feels so good, smells like life.

I feel re energized, able to stand up. As my vision clears, I see a rag tag bunch of strangers stood outside, and see beyond what appears to be a camp. There are dozens of people, and children!

Finally, my salvation.

'Get him!' Someone shouts, and the group grab me. More torment...

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